Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a Repack

Core: Mangos
Client Build: 11159 (3.3.0a)
Very stable and no client or mangosd.exe crashes
90% of raids and dungeons working
95% of talents
90% quests working
95% of Spells Working
85% of Quests working
95% of death knights quests working
Death knights working (spells and talents)
Tier 7, 8, 9. (in V2 T10)
All items from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2a
3.3.0a Items will be added in soon updates
Working Vehicles
Working dual Spec
A few Bugs Nothing major
A lot of Other Stuff
Very good for BlizLike Servers
A back up all databases in the .RAR

Download link: Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a Repack (32.93 MB)
Maps: Maps for 3.3.0a
DBC: DBC for 3.3.0a
Building:Building For 3.3.0a
All DBC maps and building from
Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog

First of all since this is in a .RAR format you'll need to extract it with a program called WinRAR
x86_32 bit: http://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar391.exe
x64_64 bit:http://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-391.exe
Once you've installed winRAR double click the thing you just downloaded and click extract TO and select your C:\ than click OK (let that finish than move on to the next step)

Okay To get this running Go to C:\Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a\Extras\Tools\
and you should see a *.exe called Ad.exe and makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat
Copy ad.exe, makevmaps_SIMPLE, makevmaps, vmapextract_v2, vmap_assembler paste them into C:\user\public\world of warcraft\
Or for windows xp users C:\Program Files\world of warcraft\
And run both Vmaps will take awhile so just be patient.
once there both finished you'll see 4 folders called
DBC, Maps, Vmaps, Building.
Copy and paste them back into C:\Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a\MANGOS\
Once thats all done.

go to C:\Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a\
and start Mysql.bat
than goto C:\Mangos BlizLike 3.3.0a\MANGOS\
and run Realmd.exe than run Mangosd.exe let load.
Than goto your realmlist.WTF
and change everything you see to "set realmlist" Without Quotations.
than open WoW.exe log in With user, admin Pass, admin


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