Monday, November 30, 2009

Dark Blades For ArcEmu


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ATree Server56

ATree ArcEmu Server56 Full Fun Fly Space Core

Shadowmere Ascension Presents:

Server Name can be changed in motd

3.2.2a 10505

All Players can teleport to Space mall




website admin Panel:

Remote Control Panel:

-PHPBB Forums
-t9 vendor
-custom music,,
-instant 80
-10000 starting gold
client version: 10482-10505
Full Funserver:
-Space Core
-Flying Core
-Donor Gear
-Starting Flying Rings
-phpbb 6 installed forums
-Krillins website tweaked
-Account page
-Starting gear generator page
-Remote Control panel page
-Website admin Panel
-Vote page
-Website custom music mp3
-World atlas
-Server Status
-Realm status
-Website & Forums
. Full Tier 8 & 9
. Teleporter Taxi
. Global trainer
. Control panel
. Some surprises to find

----See Website Here---

Paik Productions,,QQrofl,,Slade1000

Credits to: Heroes of Northrend
DeniDov--for Edpic Website Mod
Krillin--Original Theme of Whole Website
slade1000--WoW Gallery
Krillins Website


oops it is 250.000k 250mb

Change all of my dyndns addresses to your no_ip
or dyndns and you are online:

open ports

443 if called for

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

HD-Gaming Trinity 3.2.2a Repack

TrinityCore2 3.2.2a

- All instances have heroic mode working 100%
- Naxxramas 100% blizzlike, Normal 10m and Heroic 25m mode
- ulduar 100% blizzlike, Normal 10m and Heroic 25m mode
- No client crash
- 95% working talents of all classes
- 95% working spells
- 95% quests in notherend working
- Escort quests work
- DK working (Abilites and Spells)
- Working DeathKnight Quests
- Working Vehicles
- Working Dual Spec
- Working Instances
- Scripted Instances
- Working Spells
- This repack has all the new items from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2a.
- The items have been pulled from wowhead.
- One more thing the new items aren't drop from mobs
- Stable TrinityCore2 Rev 6008 & Database ytdb 513

UPDATES: Added Missing Items
Fixed Some Ulduar Vehicles
Deleted Double Spawns
Updated Download Link

video of vehicles working!

YouTube - PryDevServer: Ulduar Flame Leviathan Solo Encounter

Download V1 Here: HD-Gaming Repack

Download V2 Here: HD-Gaming Repack
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[Engineering] Make up to 800G/Hour in Sholazar! (3k/Hour for Multiboxers!)

So engineering really aint the best moneymaker, neither is it good for anything other than "fun". But (!) there is one thing that engineering is useful for... "What's that O' Great Dale93?" You may ask yourself. Well, the answer is simple, Gas Clouds.

Sholazar has for a long time been known as the best Herbalism/Mining place, but a problem is, its way to crowded, just like Icecrown. So really, the money aint that great. So im going to show you how to make alot of money in Sholazar, even when its crowded.

First of, you will need Zapthrottle Mote Extractor - Item - World of Warcraft the good old Mote Extractor from TBC. This great device has saved many broke people throughout the years, and it will now save you from being broke.

Second, you may have herbalism/mining as a secondary proffesion, just for a little extra money.

With the path I use, I use about 10 minutes around Sholazar, every run results in 2-3 Eternal Fire and 1-2 stacks of Saronite, a few Crystallized/Eternal Shadow, earth and water. And maybe a few gems/titanium ore if im lucky.
The spawnrate on Gas Clouds and Mining/Herb nodes is far from too long. You can probably reduce the size of the path by 50% (cutting down on a few nodes/clouds) and still you wont have to wait for the respawn.

The difference between the Gas Clouds from Outlands and those in Northrend is that the ones in Northrend usually doesnt move more than maximum 10 yards away from their spawn-point. Thus making it alot easier to follow a route as you wont have to fly in a 30 yards radius around each spawnpoint.

And here is the route:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 777x519.
Click the image to open in full size.

I usually fly from Dalaran -> River's Heart (Middle of Sholazar) since it saves me the amazing amount of 60s or something, since I'm not flying to Nesingwary. And from there, I fly straight South till I get to the path, then I just start following it to the east, and circle around Sholazar, following the path. (Note: This is the best path to follow, I've tried modifying it many times, but still this is the best.)

The pinpoints on the map are pretty much accurate of where you can find Gas Clouds, I have decided not to tag Saronite/Herbs on the map, seeing as this is mainly for Engineers. (Please feel free to modify the map with Saronite/herb spawns.)

Note: Each Gas Clouds contains 2-4 Crystallized Fire and 1x Crystallized Water. The Clouds are Named Steam Cloud, you cannot find them on Wowhead, seeing as they aint "objects". You can track them on the map if you ahve the mote extractor in your backpack, you can track both gas Clouds and Ores/Herbs at the same time.

Now please, do try this out and leave some response.

Sent the ores and some Eternal Fire to my Warrior. Fyi, Eternal Fire goes for 28g each on my server, so now that bad money right there
Also, this picture was taken the first day I started farming here, so all of that (plus some other eternals/gems that I have on my farm-char) were gathered in about 7 hours.
Click the image to open in full size.

Stats from ONE run:
Time spent: 09:28
Crystallized Fire: 28
Crystallized Water: 10
Crystallized Earth: 7
Crystallized Shadow: 16
Saronite Ore: 42
Titanium Ore: 3
Green Gems: 4
Blue Gems: 1
Total Gold: 203G - Using Current AH Price

Multiboxers - READ!

The title of the topic may be "incorrect", seeing as when I wrote 3k/hour I mena that for those boxing 5 Chars.
Too see how much you would earn per hour when multiboxing, you take

800g x The Amount of chars you box = The amount of gold you earn.

So basically. If you got five accounts with engineering on every one of them, all with mote extractor, you can get about two Eternal Fire from each of these clouds, giving you 50-60ish gold. Seeing as each of these clouds are pretty close (doesnt take you more than a minute, maximum two to get from one cloud to the next cloud.) You will earn the amazing amount of 3k/hour! (Considering you get 1,7 eternal and two full of them would go for 55g (27,50 per piece) and you use a minute between each cloud.)
Now that, is really epic.

Please, do keep in mind that everything in the Guide section that involves selling something via the AH depends on your server's economy.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooking 1-350 with Pilgrim! Guide included!

Just follow this step-by-step guide and you got it! Note that this is form a horde POV, the alliance is very similair just with different names. If your looking for a spice that you cant find then mouseover it and it will usually tell you wheres its sold. Like "Sold by the Pilgrim's bounty vendor in Mulgore"

STEP 1: Talk to the cooking trainer (there's one available right outside Orgrimmar for the event) and learn the Spice Bread recipe -- buy the needed Simple Flour and Mild Spices (sold by the Pilgrims Bounty ingredient vendor nearby), and cook at least 80 bread. The recipe turns gray at 40, but don't worry about that -- be sure to save all the bread you make, as you'll need it for the next step.

STEP 2: Go to a Pilgrim's Bounty recipe vendor and purchase the Bountiful Cookbook for 1 silver, and in it you'll find the Spice Bread Stuffing recipe -- learn it, buy Autumnal Herbs, and make the stuffing until you get to 100. Reminder: When you reach 50, go back to your cooking trainer and get Journeyman in cooking so you will continue leveling to 100.

STEP 3: Learn the Pumpkin Pie recipe, buy ripe pumpkins and Honey, and make the pie until you get to 160. (Note: The necessary Ripe Trisfal Pumpkins are only available from a Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside Undercity.) Reminder: When you reach 125, go back to your cooking trainer and get Expert in cooking so you will continue leveling past 150 and up to 160.

STEP 4: Learn the Cranberry Chutney recipe, buy tangy cranberries and honey, and make the chutney until 220. (Note: The Tangy Southfury Cranberries required for the recipe are only available from a Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside Orgrimmar.) Reminder: When you reach 200, go back to your cooking trainer and get Artisan in cooking so you will continue leveling past 225 and up to 300.

STEP 5: Learn the Candied Sweet Potato recipe, buy the sweet potatoes, honey, and autumnal herbsand make the potatoes until 280. (Note: The Mulfore Sweet Potato required for the recipe are only available from a Pilgrim's Bounty vendor inside Thunder Bluff. Be sure to get extra sweet potatoes here, as you'll need them for step 6 also.) Reminder: When you reach 275, go to your cooking trainer in Outlands and get Master in cooking so you will continue leveling past 300.

STEP 6: Learn the Slow-Roasted Turkey recipe, buy the sweet potatoes, and honey, kill Wild Turkeys until you have enough whole turkeys, and cook until you get to 350. (Note: Wild turkeys required for this recipe are only found in Tirisfal Glades.)

I estimate this will cost under 10g, significantly cheaper and easier than leveling your cooking under the usual circumstances.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Account Creation Cataclysm V2

Support: 3.2.x Arcemu, Mangos, Trinity !!!

Ok what's it's done:



Account Creation page:


Forum Link Button !

How to connect page:


Optimized for all Browsers but tested only in a few:

Google Chrome

And works perfectly on each of this browser's !

Many bugfixes are made for IE6 & IE7 web browsers !

All credits goes to (Jerry) !!!

Site/shoutbox/forum link/ how to connect - configuration are only in 1 file: include/config.php !!!

Also go to shoutpro/config.php and set shoutbox refresh to 30.

Check demo: Your Server Name


Download Password:
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

ArcEmu Rev_3015

Patch: 3.2.2
Size: 27.8 MB
Reversion: 3015
Core Type: ArcEmu

-Updated DBC Files
-LuaHypArc Included
-All .dll files needed
-enUS & enGB Map extractors
-DBC Extractor
-Updated WhyDB sql files
-Configs already set up
-Needed .exe's
-Set up to log all GM Commands & Cheaters


[ArcEmu Reversion 3015]
My Shared Folder
[Includes past compiles, maps, dbcs, DB's and more]
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Warrior/Death-Knight Donator Set!

Download Here
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Race Transformations (Funny items)

And here are the links:

Arcemu: Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
Aspire: Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
Mangos: Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
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Friday, November 13, 2009

vBulletin WoW Cataclysm Skin

vBulletin 3.8.4

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Thursday, November 12, 2009




Full Filebeam Link:
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Account Creation - Cataclysm V1

This is account creation page cataclysm V1 !
Some code and bugs fixes are made by hdx-gaming.

Also new cataclysm design made by hdx-gaming !

**Added Death Knight icon
**Added configuration file (includes/config.php)
**IE Transparency fix
**Tested on firefox,opera & IE -working well !

You need just to configure: include/config.php file and nothing else !
Supporting arcemu 3.2.2


Download Rapidshare: Cataclysm

Mirror Megaupload: Cataclysm

Rar Pass:

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cristy's Mangos Repack

Everything is blizzlike. I didn't edit the configs or something else to let you do that, to make your server how you like.
Ulduar spawned and working with out vehicles... and the trial of crusade is in development.

- Auction House Bot
- Auto Broadcast
- Anti Cheat

WoW Client 3.2.2a
MaNGOS: r8763
Scriptdev2: r1493
Acid rev 3.0.1
PSM_DB: rev 264

Download: Cristy's Mangos 3.2.2a Repack v2

You have to restore the db with the sql files that i created.

Credits to:
MaNGOS for the core.
Naicisum for the AHBot Patch.
Diablox for the Auto Broadcast Patch.
PSMDB Developers Team.

Enjoy It! And have a nice day!
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(*Ultimate*)Shyemu repack v1! 3.2.2

Shyemu rev 82
Database is Whydb
Almost fully working(means script bin not working)
Dual spec working
Much spell fixes!
like Demonic circle
And tree of life!
Made by


And the whole Shyemu staff!

Homepage: ShyEMU - The #1 WoW Emulator

Download link's
4Shared: - online file sharing and storage - download Shyemu repack v1.rar
Mediafire: Shyemu repack v1.rar
Megaupload: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Filefront: Download Shyemu repack v1.rar
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DeniDov's and Shadowmere Rebellions First Repack

File Size: 85.52MB
Rev 2975
WhyDB Rev 85
3.2.2a Support
luahyparc is included!
All instances are working as far as i know when i tested it
PvP is working when tested
And achieq get out of my threads all you do is flame!

Download Links:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!

Includes: (The Ids are the Npc entry id's that they will be registered on, BTW you will have to make the NPCs your self and add them to the DB)

1. Arena Event
2. Friend Porter--61002
3. Global NPC--90000005
4. GM Helper--90000001
5. Level Token--90000002
6. Morph--90000006
7. Morpher NPC--91000
8. Noob Helper NPC--90000008
9. Pay NPC--90000009
10. Proffesions NPC--90000023
11. Reputation NPC--90000010
12. Skill NPC--90000011
13. Stripper NPC--90000012
14. Title NPC--90000013
15. Welcome Text
16. .GMA Channel

Clean Rev85 WhyDB

FIX: Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! Sorry for not including this the first time, it was late at night when i posted the download link, Also ive been very sick.(surgery next friday what joy lol)

What's Included in the .rar:
DBC files
all dll files
Etc, the basics
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Project Scarr's First Release (3.2.2a ArcEmu)

A custom instance specially for you. A unique PvP system, alot of lua scripts, and much much more !

What is included.
Running on patch 3.2.2
Up to 3 custom Malls.
Arena Theme Generator ready for use.
A working logride
Unique Pvp system.
95% off the playerspells fixed.
All items out at this own moment.
2Custom instances, incase you're tired of Pvp'ing.
Player Commands. As #Drink,#food,..
Friend Porter/Unique Recall System/Tele Npc's/Pvp announcer/...
Lots and lots of unique C++'s.
All Battleground's working.
Season 6 - 7 - Tier 9 ingame.
Fixed Talentpoints.
Custom Cities, A pool, dance floors, ...
A fixed Dogde Cap.
Fixed SpellPower.
Special [V.I.P] on the Gma, for Gm's with Rank V.
Alot of spells fixed, like Shockwave,Typhoon,... (Thanks to Grandelf.)
Custom event zones.
& Much much more.
Some Screenies.
Our swimming pool. (Partay.)

Dance floor.

One of the 3 malls.

fox123 for making everything possible.
Grandelf for his cooperation.
Myzers for his scripts.
Alvanaar for his scripts. for the database & some of the C++'s
ArcEmu for the core.
Project Scarr Staff.
PsYk for his custom Gm level.

Register your forum account on Project-Scarr.

DOWNLOAD LINK : Download Link.
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