* Change Log (Sunrise Funserver Repack 2.4.3):
* Silvermoon FunDB (rev8) Added
* WhyDM Removed
* Project Silvermoon Scripts Included
* Change Log (***Web Repack):
* ArcEmu Revision 198
* WhyDB Milestone 2
* 2.4.X Support
* Moon++ Scripts (This means all instances should be scripted)
* Full Feature List:
* Supports Patch 2.4.x
* Easy to use repack, No setup required
* MySQL and Apache installed within Repack
* Comes with ArcEmu (Based on Ascent)
* The latest revision of Project Silvermoon FunDB
* Account tables separated from game database for easy organization
* Control Panel for easy server startup
* Map extractors for US and EU clients
* Latest DBCs
* Lots of LUA scripts
* Scripted Events and Items
* Anti hacking security
* Config files already setup
* Over 100 Custom Vendors
* Over 30 Custom Items
* All necessary instructions in readme
* Supports latest wow patches/clients
* Full TBC support
* Normal WoW support (for you people without TBC)
* Comes with fully customizable Joomla website
* PHPBB 3 forum integrated into website
* Stats Page
* Account Creation Page
* Events:
* Fireworks Display (Orgrimmar and Stormwind)
* Lunar Festival (Azeroth and Eastern Kingdoms)
* Attack On Ironforge
* Custom Areas:
* Dance Club
* 5 Obstacle Courses
* Strip Club
* Stairs Of Eternity
* GM Island + Custom Village
* GM Control Room
* Custom Instances
* Loads More!
* Other Things:
* Lottery Vendor
* Portals To Custom Areas
* All Scripts Incuded
* Portals to Dance Club in Every Starting Location
* Loads More!
* Credits:
* Jargs - ***Web Ultimate Repack 7.8
* Project Silvermoon - Database
* Sunrise Project - Database
* Splicho - Sticking Them Together + SunriseDB


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