Wednesday, May 26, 2010

rothmans92 TrinityCore Repack for Version 3.3.3a rev 7964

-----------Instalation Guide-----------

1.Extract the archive somewhere.Doesn't matter where it's gonna be placed.

2.First you need to instal the programs which are located in the Programs Folder. (!--Note that when you instal Xampp you have to turn off your skype or
change the configuration in the settings not to use port 80--!).Instal SQL yog community Edition and after that Instal "dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64" and RESTART
YOUR PC!!!(This is highly RECOMENDED!)

3.When you've done that open this link: http://localhost/security/index.php .A webpage with title "XAMPP for Windows Version 1.7.3 | Security Section" will appear.
Scroll down and you will see a link which says: "=> http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php <=".Open it and type in the password that you want for your server.After it select on section phpMyAdmin authentication "http" and check out the box and click password changing.After that on XAMPP DIRECTORY PROTECTION (.htaccess) type your new password.Username is the same (root) and check out again the box and click Secure the XAMPP Directory. 4.Okay you are nearly there.Now open up your SQLyog,select new and enter anything you want.In the password field type in the password you selected in the xampp. Check out the box,click Save and Connect.Next thing you gotta do is to press "ctrl" and "D" buttons simultaneously and make 3 databases which you will name like that: world,characters and realmd. 5.In the world DB import "CTDB_r81_0.0.8_7974.sql" which is located in the Databases folder.Next you have to do is to import those files to your world DB again: ---7928_world_quest_template.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\updates)
---7930_world_scriptname.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\updates)
---7963_world_scriptname.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\updates)

---world_script_texts.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\FULL)
---world_script_waypoints.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\FULL)
---world_scripts_full.sql--- =>(located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\FULL)

6.In the characters DB import "characters.sql" which is located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\

7.In the realmd DB import "realmd.sql" which is located in the ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Databases\

---------When you have done this close SQLyog Community Edition---------

8.Open up again SQLyog Community Edition.Double click realmd DB,double click Tables and click on realmlist.On the right choose "Table Data".On name =>Type
the name of your realm of the server.On address type your IP address.(If you don't know it simply go to What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More and copy>paste it.)

9.Last step till your server is ready.Open up the repack folder,open folder Core and open "TrinityCore.conf" with any text editor.Then find those lines:

----------LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;trinity;realmd"----------
----------WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;trinity;world"----------
----------CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;trinity;characters"----------

Change "trinity" with the password you've selected on xampp (http://localhost/security/index.php).Save the .conf file and close it.Then open "TrinityRealm.conf" and find that line:

----------LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;trinity;realmd"----------

Again change "trinity: with the password you've selected on the xampp website.

10.Now you are ready with your Private World of Warcraft Server version 3.3.3a.To start the server go to: ...\rothmans92 TrinityCore 3.3.3a Repack\Core and start restarter.exe .
You will need only a nice website.You can look in our forums.There a lot of usefull topics for Trinity Websites.

--------------------------That's it.Now you have a nice TrinityCore Server.--------------------------
--------------------------Special Thanks to NOONE! --------------------------

Regards:rothmans92 from MMOPRO!!!

Download my Repack from here: >>>>

And please the less thing you can do is to say thanks just click the thanks button below my post.Thx in advance and hope you guys enjoy the repack


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