To begin, You must install the following: (Enables you to compile MaNGOS)
- GCC 4.1.X ( gcc / g++ / cpp / fort77 / g77 / gpp)
- automake
- autoconf
- glibc & glibc-dev(glibc headers) [ libc6 ]
- make
- mysql-server 4.1 ou mysql-server 5.0 && libmysql++-dev
- libtool
- OpenSSL (libssl-dev)
- subversion et patch
- git
- zlibc
apt-get install gcc g++ automake autoconf make libmysql++-dev libtool libssl-dev subversion patch zlibc libc6 git git-core cogito
Ubuntu users also can also use the following:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libmysql++-dev libtool libssl-dev subversion zlibc git-core
To use git and not use gitfm, you must use this:
update-alternatives --config git
You must enter the digit which match with:
You must download the files from the git repository, git will create your mangos sources directory for you:
git clone git://
Now we change to the MaNGOS directory:
cd mangos
We now download and patch ScriptDev2, so lets make a directory:
mkdir src/bindings/ScriptDev2
And now use their svn to pull the latest ScriptDev2 revision:
svn co
Now we need to patch SD2 (ScriptDev2) into mangos. (This makes it compile with MaNGOS)
git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-XXXX-ScriptDev2.patch
After the patch has been successful applied to mangos, we compile it, run these in Terminal one after the other:
- autoreconf --install --force
- mkdir objdir
- cd objdir
- ../configure --prefix=/opt/mangos --sysconfdir=/opt/mangos/etc --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/opt/mangos
- make
- make install
- make clean
- cd ..
- rm -r objdir
../configure --prefix=/opt/mangos --sysconfdir=/opt/mangos/etc --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/opt/mangos With: ../configure --prefix=[working path] --sysconfdir=[working path]/etc --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=[working path] with your [working path]
For example:
../configure --prefix=/opt/foo --sysconfdir=/opt/mangos/foo --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/opt/foo
Once you have run make install, the above code will have caused it to be place the binaries in "/opt/foo/" and the server needs to be ran from the bin folder.
If someone wants to play a wow private server, I recommend WoWZealot - A 4.3.4 cataclysm private server: