Short.. Simple.. and to the point...
Warning! This does not work with 3.3.0a only 3.3.0!
NO this does not have new items
NO this is not bug free (No server will ever be)
NO it doesnt have any fun stuff added.. It's blizzlike
YES it can be installed to any location on your computer
YES it does include 3.3.0 DBC files
YES it's already pre-made and put into a self-extracting exe file.
YES the db is already setup for you with the lastest Whydb.
This is not with some nooby emu and special database! You can go on the whydb forums and someone posted the link for 3.3.0 items and you can add them to the database yourself.
Download - Mediafire (66.47mb)
1. Download the .exe file above (Scan it all you want im not evil)
2. Run the .exe and install this repack anywhere it does not matter.
3. Go into the "Server" folder and run "MySQL.bat"
4. Go into the ArcEmu folder and run the Logonserver & World programs.
5. Set WoW's realmlist to localhost and login with..
User: admin
Pass: admin
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Blizzlike 3.3.0 Repack
Lunar Blizz 3.2.2a
Okay, well this is my first "repack" release here. So please do not flame! If you wanna flame just leave it!! So im releasing Arcemu rev 3085 (3.2.2a)... I will update maybe on week twice! Just report me here all bugs that you find please!
Because every core or db has some bugs so just post here...I wont post pic for now because it is just normal blizzlike Why Database at rev 96....
Arcemu 3085 *3.2.2a*
Whydb 96
24h online with out crash then i turned off
Dual Spec working
Fixed some spells
Custom WebWow - Website
"Lunar Tools":
Custom SQL files,
Custom Lua Scripts,
Custom C++,
How to:
1. Download and install .Net Framework 3.5.
2. Extract repack to your hardisk. If you have problems with mysql startup then extract in C:\Lunar Blizz 3.2.2 Repack.
3. Place the map folder and map extractor in your WoW data/EnGB or EnUS folder and after that start map extractor. When it is done extracting move your map folder to C:\Lunar Blizz 3.2.2 Repack/Arcemu folder.
4. Now go to C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Data/enUS or EnGB/ and open Then change it to set realmlist
5. Open the Server folder and start the MySQL.bat.
6. Now open the Arcemu folder and start arcemu-logonserver.exe and arcemu-world.exe.
7. Start your World of Warcraft and log in with Username:admin password:admin
1. Go to the server folder and start apache.bat.
2. Type localhost in your browser.
Multi Mirrors
Arcemu - For perfect emulator
!Lunar Scripters!
Onlykl aka Trle94-For compiling core,Scripts,SQL,etc..
Mager1794-Scripts <- Click on name to rep
QQrofl- for some C++ script
Keaz- some tuts
Cant add other rep link because
they are banned or dont have posts
Enjoy! Your Lunar Scripters team...Please Report bugs!!
Thanks for reading and please comments...
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hearthstone 3.3 Alterac Valley Custom PVP
This is a Hearthstone Core parched to support version 3.3.0a
Realm Restarter for any emulator
Console Announcer Script for any emulator
I stopped developing this project few weeks ago, therefore decided to share it with you guys.
I am including a custom made Database which was supposed to be ran on a private PvP Alterac Valley realm.
This repack has integrated custom C++ PvP System which announces kills and rewards you with titles and gold.
Global Hook Manager: Teaches you all spells, talents on character creation.
Modded Level Cap to 225, which will automatically will increase your stats accordingly to level 225
Chat is working, connects correctly with 3.3.0a patch
Database information:
Includes alot of latest 3.3 Items
Tier 8,9 and 10 Vendors
Relentless Gladiator Gear, Vendors
Vendors for all needs, materials, items, weapons,
Includes Custom Trainers
Custom Riding Trainer
Custom Profession Trainers
Alot of new fixed mounts, vendors
Ulduar Heroic Items, Vendors
All Latest 3.2.2A Items
Starting Location:
Modified starting locations for Alliance and Horde to start at their faction bases in Alterac Valley.
Both factions have malls with all vendors already spawned
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Snowbound - Christmas Server
Snowbound is a Mini Holiday server over at a server. We thought that we should give the players something fun to do while we are developing on the main realm. So since the holidays are coming up we thought we should just do a Holiday Server. I don't want you guys to think this is going to be really epic, its just something Me, Hellgawd, and the other developers worked on over at a server. There is 1 sad thing, Its a whole world DB, because the server messed up, and all we have is the world db. But this server includes:
-Town / City
-(2)Stair Events
-Too much fun!
-And way more!
Video: (thanks HG)!
YouTube- Snowbound Repack Promotional Trailer
(My Stair Event)
(More pictures of the city)
(More of the city)
(Custom cave)(Remember it's a whole World!)
Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie! (A script for one of the quests from Tornado)
Ground Zero-Gameobjects.
Stoneharry- Assistance.
Special thanks to Hellgawd-And for support, letting me use his dedi, and overall help. And thanks for most of the GFX.
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Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
Password: jesper
Supports ascent based emu's
3 configs. (config/configc.php, config/raxezdev.php, rdvsconfig.php)
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Atree88 3.3x2
Atree Server Presents 2 Fun Realms
Atree Server88 3.3 Updated
1. Space flying core
2. Full fun realm2
Realm directions logonserver
2. run world.exe,,,,ArcEmu 1
3. ArcEmu 2 run world.exe for realm 2
4. logon to preferred realm
Easy dragon vendor add items
All Players can teleport to Space mall
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 56a
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 60
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 67
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 70
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service v2
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 71-7
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 88
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service 89
-Shadow Sword
-Epic Frostmourne
-frostmourne,flying carpets,deadly gladiators
frostworm and many more items.
-t9 vendor
-Dragon vendor
-dk's start with frostmourne
-Dragon mobs 70 gold easy,, all different lvls
-sql's in repack
-Mall 2 & lvl road
-instant 80
-10000 starting gold
client version:
Full Funserver:
Account Page
New Website & New Forums
-Space Core
-Flying Core
-Starting 7.5 gear both realms
-Donor Gear
-Starting Flying Rings
. Full Tier 8 & 9
. Teleporter Taxi
. Global trainer
Full Fun realm 2:
Starting 7.5 gear
t8 & 9.5
pocket multistone
dk's start with frostmourne
dragon vendor
lvl road
the works will
update more soon,,
Achievements are not working yet
Paik Productions,,QQrofl,,Slade1000
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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Trinity core2 (blizzlike) 3.2.2a
trinity core2 - patch 3.2.2a 10505
whats in repack. full sqls... maps/dbc/vmaps included* trinity GmH addon v1.0.8 (working)
what u do get...
everything you can expect from a trinity core.
scripted dungeons/events
working vehicles/ wg
working quests, and battlegrounds.
database: world.sql: UDB/YTDB r520 (3.1.3), TDB (3.2.2a), and some parsed imports
(questcache/ npccache/ creaturecache) items and some spells d.mined from wowhead/alla.characters: using an updated version of Keazain, fixed a few columns& tables. realmd: straight outta teh box w/ updates r8332.scripts: SD2/ sun++ EventAI scripts: acid 3.0.1/ heisei "Secrets of ulduar"(mangos version)Core:3.2.2a TC2(dev-fork) Changeset: r6722 Branch: Trunk.
*database is functional with the core.
unlike many other repacks they are ruff to get correctly setup,
without errors
core is up2date as of dec. 13-09
*i've added a "working" vmaps extractor/assembler.bat also,
remember when running this it will take a while to do,
just follow the command prompts and let it do its own work.
LoS is enabled in the configs...
so you will have to disable them to play without
sorry was going to add them but had to keep upload under 200mb.
that was 4gig total compressed...
installing is simple:
extract all that is in the data folder into the folders there in
(was compressed with winzip and 7zip)
start mysql or which ever you preferred using for sqlserver
open sqlyog, or navicat again at your own preference
create 3 new databases (world, realmd, & characters)
and import the 3 sqls that are found in data/SQL folder
goto the trinitycore.config, edit the line
DataDir = "."
remove the dot and add in the data folders directory...
next edit the lines:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;username;password;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;username;password;world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;username;password;characters"
replacing "username;password" with your sqls login and pw
and also change the one in realmd.config
now start realmd than trinity core, let load, hear a beep & start the game..
don't forget to change your to: "set realmlist"
one account is built as administrator...
sn: admin / pw: admin
to make more through the console type in:
account create yournamehere
account set addon yournamehere # (replace # with 1 Pre-BC or 2 WotLK)
account set gmlevel yournamehere #
(replace # with gm level 1-3 don't add this line for player accounts)
happy gaming....
i will update this with new fixes as i go along, packing and uploading takes forever.
working on other links now...can't do mega no account with them.
download Rapidshare.
missing GmH tool get it here
for those having issues with the navicat dumped world.sql
ive added 2 new links Here or Here
will adding binary svn soon,easier to update,
and pull than filehosts
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WoWLegacy & Magic-WoW's Emulator Download links
Deathwing.rar - Wowlegacy's funserver!
Wowlegacy_Trunk - Wowlegacy's blizzlike realm!
FrostEmu - Marcleo's "PRIVATE" emulator!
Deathwing - RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
Trunk - RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
FrostEmu - RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
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RaxeZDev Vote System
Here comes a nice christmas gift from RaxeZDev (aka. jasper96 xD).
This is a vote system for Ascent based emulators. (Trinity/mangos lovers, **** off and get your own webdevs :3)
I've been developing it for a week or so, it contains around 800 lines of php and html/css.
It contains an admin panel, accessable by 'az' rank accounts (Only these ppl will see the "Admin Panel" link, and be able to access it), where you can manage rewards and topsites.
As you see in the screenshot, the background is changable between 7 nice backgrounds
(readme.txt file in img -> backgrounds folder )
Live demo: (user: admin, password: admin - You have admin rank, don't **** it up or I'll close the demo!)
Vote System (Powered by RDVS)
Full version (themed): Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
Plain version (for intergration, read the readme file!): Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!
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Monday, December 14, 2009
ArcEmu 3.3 FlyFun Repack
Arcemu 3.3 fly Fun Test Core v1
this is just a core you can try the 3.3
things with one character working
and no updates have fun,,
use created character some don't work,,
Atree Server 70 3.3
3.2.2 to 3.3 10482-10505-10958
All Players can teleport to Space mall
-frosmourne,flying carpets,deadly gladiators
frostworm and many more items.
-t9 vendor
-Dragon vendor
-Dragon mobs 70 gold easy,, all different lvls
-sql's in repack
-Mall 2 & lvl road
-instant 80
-10000 starting gold
client version: 10482-10505-10958
Full Funserver:
-Space Core
-Flying Core
-Donor Gear
-Starting Flying Rings
. Full Tier 8 & 9
. Teleporter Taxi
. Global trainer
. Control panel
. Remote Control Panel
. Some surprises to find
this repack is far from perfect try out 3.3
no web page or forums
Paik Productions,,QQrofl,,Slade1000
Credits to: Heroes of Northrend
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Stealth Gaming 3.3.0 Blizzlike Repack
- Core MaNGOS
- Client build: 10958 (3.3.0)
- Blzzlike
- Tier 9 / Tier 8
- Auto Announcer
- Account Registration Page
- Auction House Bot
- Naxxramas 100% blizzlike, Normal 10m and Heroic 25m mode
- ulduar 100% blizzlike, Normal 10m and Heroic 25m mode
- No client crash
- 96% working talents of all classes
- 96% working spells
- 96% quests in notherend working
- Escort quests work
- DK working (Abilites and Spells)
- Working DeathKnight Quests
- Working Vehicles
- Working Dual Spec
- Working Instances
- Scripted Instances
- Working Spells
- This repack has all the new items from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2a.
- The items have been pulled from wowhead.
- The 3.3.0 items will be coming soon
- Custom Website made by me coming soon once i get the time :)
Download Repack: HERE
You can download each of my uploads from Mediafire: HERE
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Bogdan's Mangos Repack v2 3.3.0
- Core MaNGOS
- Client build: 10958 3.3.0
- Blzzlike
-Tier 10 / Tier 9 / Tier 8 !
-Added 85 % Items From Patch 3.3.0
-All 3.2.0-3.2.2a Items
- Naxxramas 100% Blizz, Normal 10 Mans and Heroic 25 Mans mode
- Ulduar 100% Blizz, Normal 10 Mans and Heroic 25 Mans mode
-Icecrown Citadel Spawned 60 % By Me
- 98% Working Talents
- 98% Working Spells
- 95% Quests In Northrend
- DK working (Spells)
- Working Vehicles
- Working Dual Spec
- Working Instances
- Scripted Instances
-No Buggy !
Download : FileBox
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
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Mangos Repack 3.3.0
Bogdan's Repack 3.3.0
- Core MaNGOS
- Client build: 10958 3.3.0
- Blzzlike
-Tier 10 / Tier 9 / Tier 8 !
-Added 50 % Items From Patch 3.3.0
-All 3.2.0-3.2.2a Items
- Naxxramas 100% Blizz, Normal 10 Mans and Heroic 25 Mans mode
- Ulduar 100% Blizz, Normal 10 Mans and Heroic 25 Mans mode
-Icecrown Citadel Works But Not Spawn ! [ We Will Make It In Other Version ]
- 98% Working Talents
- 98% Working Spells
- 95% Quests In Northrend
- DK working (Spells)
- Working Vehicles
- Working Dual Spec
- Working Instances
- Scripted Instances
-No Buggy !
Maps And DBC Is Was Installed By Me
Have Fun !
ImageShack -
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This repack is made by Lbniese.
WoW Client 3.2.2a
ArcEmu Core
8th Release, version 2.6.
LuaHypArc included.
Note: Apache is not included!
Most of 3.2.2 items added.
How start the server:
Run those files:lbniese-repack 2.6\Server\MySQL.bat
DL links / mirrors:
lbniese-repack 2.6\ArcEmu\arcemu-logonserver.exe
lbniese-repack 2.6\ArcEmu\arcemu-world.exe
Lbniese - for DB bug fixes, lots of db updates, and ofc for adding missing NPC's/items/loot, adding custom stuff
Osaki ™ - For some items etc
ArcEmu for 3.2.2 Core
Core compiles by Lbniese
Hypersniper - LuaHypArc
ShadowDB - The DB
Hakashi Restarter v5.0 for ArcEmu
Download and use this Restarter if you want
Download: Download Restarter here.
Pass: ac-web
Credits to $hadow for the restarter.
Album Link: ImageShack -
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Heavens Demise Gaming 3.3.0 PTR Repack and Core!
Heavens Demise Gaming
3.3.0 PTR AND 3.2.2 Patch!!
Arcemu Blizzlike
What needs to be done:
Duel Spec
ALL 3.3.0 items
ALL 3.3.0 quests
ALL 3.3.0 creatures
ALL instances working and spawned
Whats included At the moment:
ALL 3.2.2 items
ALL 3.2.2 quests
ALL 3.2.2 creatures
Naxxramas Spawned and working
Ulduar Spawned and Working
Onyxia's Lair Updated
and alot more!!
************************************************** **********
* I Need someone with at least a little bit of C++ knowledge
* I Need someone with database Skills
* I Need someone with In-Game Skills (such as spawning)
* I Need someone with LUA Skills
************************************************** ***********
I Updated it to 3.3.0 but when i log in game i get this error
************************************************** ***********
*This application has encountered a critical error:
*ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Assertion Failure
*Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft Public *Test\WoW.exe
*File: .\GameObject_C.cpp
*Line: 4686
*Expr: GetDisplayID()
************************************************** ***********
I DID Update it but it has a problem when u log in game
if anyone has an idea how to fix please let me know!
DOWNLOAD HERE: Heavens Demise 3.3.0 Core.rar
not working perfectly just yet ppl using wow 3.3.0 ptr client get wow error but u can use for 3.2.2
heres my msn:
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
InterActual *NEW* Scripted and Fixed Repack! 3.2.2a
InterActual Repack 3.2.2a
Full - Hybrid Database Rev11
New DB updates
1. MySQL.bat
2. Apache.bat
3. ArcEmu-Logonserver.exe
4. ArcEmu-World.exe
Config Files:
1. logon.cfg
2. optional.cfg
3. realms.cfg
4. voicechat.cfg
5. arcemu-voicechat.cfg
6. world.cfg
the logon.cfg and world.cfg remote password error is fixed.
the optional.cfg is also fixed.
NPC's working almost 100% (97%)
NPC texts are working 75% (Important instances are scripted)
Instances, Raids and Dungeons etc. are working and scripted.
Professions are working 98% (some recipes aren't working)
Instant 80
Battlegrounds are all working!
PvP System is comming soon.
Mailbox is fully working.
I also fixed the Naked chacter bugs too bad that the Girls are also fixed
little errors:
Paladin Redemption Quest isn't working, but the Redemption spell is Available with GM commands or (with your own custom class trainer)
When you Delete a Character, it doesn't delete it, Relog and it's done.
Need any more information???
Post it.
Download link
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
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